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Tak, stosownie zareagujemy. With more of our lives taking place online and increasing consumer choice, people can, and do, get up and leave when that trust is damaged.

Dupa operatie de varice! Forumul Medical ROmedic Sus Cu ajutorul chirurgiei venelor varicoase, venele problematice vor fi legate si inchise si apoi complet eliminate din picior. Scoaterea strippingul venelor nu afecteaza circulatia sangelui de la nivelul piciorului. Prin venele profunde va trece un volum mai mare de sange.

What happened with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica was an unacceptable abuse on a vast scale. Everyone can agree that this must not happen again, and I have been supportive of the ongoing investigations. It has already issued a fine to Facebook. Cambridge Analytica is no more. It is clear that Facebook does not walk away from this scandal unscathed. Nor is it our role to tell users how they should react.

Most Europeans have not given up their Facebook account. Clear legal limits and strict conditions on political profiling have been imposed by the new GDPR rules.

Therefore, we should allow the GDPR time to bed in before we throw the baby out with the bathwater and start to chuck more legislation at the problem. People would have voted for them regardless of Facebook. It was already prevalent in our society.

The GDPR is not perfect, but at the speed at which technology moves poziioneaza compresia cu varicoza innovation moves, any new laws in this area need to keep up with the modern world.

We should focus on addressing this, rather than trying everting un picior dupa operarea externa point-score by taking dangerous steps to suspend the privacy shield which is proposed in the resolution we will vote on later.

This would deny our citizens the protections that it offers. We should be looking at the means that the data protection authorities have in order to tackle the challenges on the table. For example, the Dutch Data Protection Authority has about staff.

They cannot fight Facebook.

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Secondly, you say that the investigations are advancing. But are they advancing fast enough? You say Facebook is trying to fix its mistakes. I hear that now Whatsapp is being used increasingly to spread all sorts of nonsense online. That also brings me to new legislation. Contrary to Mr Dalton, I do believe that we need further legislation in the form of e-privacy, which is indeed being blocked by the Council, but the right-wing parties in this House have also voted against it.

How can you do that? Applause I think we also need to recognise that, in our very legitimate aim to strengthen security, we have very often very rapidly passed legislation that undermines the privacy and the legal protection of our citizens, and risks undermining the rule of law and democracy as well. We should have a proper evaluation before coming up with, yet again, new instruments for massive the collection and processing of personal data.

Venele pe picioare după operație - Complicaţiile - August

Finally, on a fake news and disinformation. I think we need a proper legal definition of fake news. I mean I may think that one of my colleagues in this House is spreading fake news, and they probably think that I am. Where do you draw the line between a political view and fake news? We need a proper legal definition before we take any measures against fake news, because otherwise it becomes arbitrary and then we are undermining our democracy for real.

The Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal is not simply a privacy scandal. It is a threat to our democracies.

Everting un picior după operarea externă. "anterior" in Romanian

The consequences are dramatic. This can even lead to voter manipulation, and there is a lot of evidence that shows that this is exactly what happened. Facebook is a very powerful platform with huge influence on our private lives, but also on our political life. If we want to safeguard our democracy, we need clear and strict rules for such online platforms.

Transparency is good, but it is just not enough. We cannot leave it to companies like Facebook to decide who gets to see what political content just before the elections. We need to make sure that all voters have access to the same information, and we need to ban micro-targeting of political advertising.

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Member States need to do this very soon if we want to make sure that the European elections in May are undistorted by dubious dark ads and by political manipulation. Ich denke, dass wir bislang als Parlament unseren Job gemacht haben. Ja, und wir haben auch die autokratischen Gebaren des EP-Präsidenten Tajani ausgehalten, dessen sogenannte Anhörung uns weltweit gewissermaßen zum Gespött gemacht hat.

Aber gut — wir haben eine Entschließung, wir haben Positionierungen, und wir haben ein vernünftiges Statement auch der Kommissarin. Jetzt wollen wir Konsequenzen haben, denn es geht um die Geschäftsgebaren von Facebook, die es zulassen, im großen Stil Daten für sogenannte Forschungszwecke zu benutzen — tatsächlich aber für politische Zwecke auszunutzen, everting un picior dupa operarea externa missbrauchen. Mit Cambridge Analytica wurde ja nicht nur schlechthin gegen Datenschutzrecht verstoßen, sondern gewissermaßen stabsmäßig Datenmissbrauch betrieben.

Alles, was von Facebook zu hören ist, ist eine verbale Entschuldigung mit Engelblick gewissermaßen, ohne Garantie, dass so etwas nicht noch mal passieren kann und dass sich im Geschäftsmodell etwas ändert. Eins will ich ganz klar sagen: Wenn Daten zu politischen Werbezwecken manipuliert werden, everting un picior dupa operarea externa Wahlen manipuliert.

Wenn Wahlen manipuliert werden, wirft uns das in eine vordemokratische Ära zurück und Wahlen werden zur Farce, und dann können wir auch — ehrlich gesagt — hier über sozialistische Einheitslisten abstimmen. Deswegen muss gehandelt werden. Für Wahlwerbung muss es — wie im Offline-Bereich — Regulierungen geben. Wir brauchen Transparenz, wir brauchen Offenlegung der Finanzierungen; was wir nicht brauchen, ist targeted advertising.

everting un picior dupa operarea externa

Das muss wenigstens in Wahlzeiten verboten sein und ansonsten strengen Vorschriften unterliegen. Abgesehen davon, dass mich die Marktmacht von Facebook everting un picior dupa operarea externa massiv stört, will ich noch eines sagen: Wenn wir im Fall Cambridge Analytica das Rennen verlieren, dann können wir die Freiheitsrechte der Bürgerinnen und Bürger auch zu Grabe tragen. An die Adresse des Rates: Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass die ePrivacy so schnell wie möglich beschlossen werden muss.

Facebook has just appointed St Nicholas Clegg as head of global affairs. But, apparently, St Nicholas is going to put an end to all of this. Facebook has lost the confidence of millions of people, but St Nicholas Clegg understands this well because he went through exactly the same when he was leader of the Liberal Democrats.

Also, St Nicholas Clegg is qualified. He speaks four languages fluently and can explain hypocrisy in all of them. Nonetheless, Sir Nicholas will do well.

He will always be beloved as a lobbyist by the EU Commission and, for sure, the Commission is going to let Facebook off the hook. Toch volgt Facebook mij, en met mij dus miljoenen anderen. De Europese privacywet beschermt Facebook in dezen en mij niet. Facebook is een monopolist.

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Facebook heeft ook een politieke mening. In Duitsland bleek Facebook kritiek op de sociaaldemocratie te blokkeren, maar antisemitisme niet. De Europese Commissie vertelde mij op 4 augustus daarmee geen problemen te hebben.

everting un picior dupa operarea externa

De Europese Commissie beschermt Facebook, maar niet de joodse gemeenschap. Voorzitter, voor veel mensen ís Facebook het internet, voor sociale contacten, maar ook voor het nieuws. Dat nieuws wordt door Facebook gefilterd. Alleen keurige — linkse neem ik aan — meningen komen door. Facebook beschermt zijn uitgangspunt, niet de vrije pers. Voorzitter, de Europese Commissie heeft afspraken gemaakt met Facebook met het oog op de komende verkiezingen.

Verhalen over nepnieuws en beïnvloeding van kiezers rechtvaardigen volgens de Commissie dat meningen goedgekeurd of verwijderd moeten worden van internet. De Europese Commissie heeft echter van Moskou niets te leren over beïnvloeding. De Commissie beschermt de Europese Unie, niet het democratisch proces. De Europese Commissie heeft een probleem met kritiek op de euro, kritiek op de Europese Unie, kritiek op migratie, kritiek op de islam.

Die kritiek wordt samen populisme genoemd en moet bestreden worden, maar laat die kritiek nou net mijn mening zijn. Ik denk dat de Europese Unie als zodanig een bedreiging voor de vrede en het welzijn van de lidstaten is, en dat is een mening die op Facebook geen plek heeft.

Mijn kritiek had ook geen plek in de resolutie waarover we gaan stemmen, want al mijn amendementen werden weggestemd. Dat is ook geen wonder.

Net als Facebook en de Europese Commissie beschermt ook dit Europees Parlement zijn eigen positie, niet die van de burgers. Diane James NI.

But just let me remind you, both Twitter and Facebook have conducted the investigations. They have conducted those with the relevant political commissions, in relevant countries, and concluded, conducted, been approved, negligible impact.

Well, can Everting un picior dupa operarea externa ask you, will you take steps to stop billionaire George Soros from funding an anti-Brexit campaign with multimillion pound donations? Buduje zdrowe relacje między użytkownikami, twórcami i nadawcami treści oraz organizatorami komunikacji. Facebook to nie tylko kluczowa firma, ale i organizator komunikacji.

Dlatego właśnie kwestia wiarygodności Facebooka jest tak ważna i symboliczna.

Paşii următori spre viitorul nostru.

Wyjaśnienie do końca wszystkich przyczyn i aspektów związków Facebooka i Cambridge Analytica i skandalicznego wycieku danych osobowych jest konieczne. Są przecież narzędzia prawne w postaci regulacji o ochronie danych osobowych już działającej od 25 maja tego roku, jest europejsko-amerykańska tarcza prywatności pilnująca spełniania wymogów ochrony prywatności, a Cambridge Analytica miał odpowiedni certyfikat. To, co prawnie wymagane, musi być respektowane bez żadnej taryfy ulgowej.

Od tamtego zdarzenia minęło już jednak trochę czasu.

După evenimentul inaugural de mare succes dinprogramul din acest an va fi pus în scenă în format digital. Într-o lume care se schimbă mai radical ca oricând, BMW Group şi-a stabilit obiectivul de a continua să conducă dezvoltarea tehnologică, să defineasacă noile tendinţe şi să fie o forţă instrumentală în modelarea imaginii viitoare a mobilităţii printr-un un portofoliu de produse atractiv şi strategia sa Power of Choice. Prezintă tehnologii şi vehicule noi, analizând în acelaşi timp câteva exemple foarte specifice ale modului în care ar putea sau va arăta mobilitatea de generaţie următoare. Domeniile abordate precum conectivitatea, sistemele de propulsie electrice, inteligenţa artificială, alianţele internaţionale şi noul Centru de Simulare a Condusului al BMW oferă o introducere ideală a rolului BMW Group în acest climat dinamic. La urma urmei, fiecare dintre ele formează un element consacrat al realităţii zilnice a BMW Group şi joacă un rol din ce în ce mai important în dezvoltarea automobilelor actuale şi viitoare.

Są nowe wyzwania: reklama polityczna i niejasność źródeł jej finansowania — ważne w czasie wyborów, automatyzm algorytmów grożący zaburzeniem przejrzystości komunikacji, rozwój dezinformacji w każdej postaci, aż do deepfake. Ciemna strona internetu jest silniejsza niż korzyści, dlatego potrzebne są nowe strategie. Pracujemy nad nimi w Unii Europejskiej i dziękuję pani komisarz i panu komisarzowi za tę inicjatywę.

Czego by nie powiedzieć o Facebooku, on też nad nimi pracuje — czy to opracowując flagowanie materiałów zakazanych, nienawistnych czy niepewnych co do prawdziwości, czy to eliminując boty i anonimowe konta służące walce w sieci, czy to ucząc nowego podejścia do prywatności, gdzie nasz realny wybór i zgoda będą kluczem do świadomego zachowywania się w internecie.

everting un picior dupa operarea externa

Piętnując złe praktyki jak dziś, pokażmy też dobre przykłady. To oraz współpraca będzie bardziej użyteczne dla zdrowej przyszłości internetu.

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This is an ultimate misunderstanding of what we are dealing with. What we are dealing with is individual groups of vulnerable voters being shifted around by the lack of integrity of what is happening on Facebook. We must take action now to restore trust, not just in online platforms, but in the integrity of our elections.

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That is now happening in the Commission and it is happening here in Parliament. This is absolutely critical, and we are defining the problem, but we must take action.

everting un picior dupa operarea externa

In the hearings we said that there must now be an internal audit of Facebook. We urge Facebook now to work with the European Data Protection Board to carry out that full and independent audit, but we have to conform not just to GDPR but we said when the Council were absent here, to think about what the protections are within e-privacy.

Not because e-privacy is some totemic, iconic thing that we are bandying around, but because we have a problem with the technology.

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We have, colleagues, a whole issue now of further actions to protect our elections. In the United States, recent requirements have been introduced to verify the identity, location and sponsor of political ads that are a good response, and the same standards should be applied here.

We everting un picior dupa operarea externa a whole range of issues that we have to fix here in the European Union: applying conventional offline electoral safeguards, such as rules and transparency and limits to spending, respect for silence periods, making it easy to recognise online political paid advertisements and banning profiling for electoral purposes.

Social media platforms should label content shared by bots and speed up the process of removing fake accounts, and compulsory post-campaign audits should be conducted to ensure personal data are deleted.

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The Commission should look with us and updating competition rules and increasing algorithmic transparency. We are here to deal with Facebook because Facebook is not a minor issue. This is a global issue dealing with elections all over the world and it has already affected our referenda and it has affected our elections. Colleagues, if anyone in this Chamber thinks that this is not a serious issue, they are not paying attention.

Helga Stevens ECR. Dit was meteen de start van verschillende onderzoeken, ook in dit Parlement, die een duidelijk signaal gaven: zulke inbreuken op onze privacy zijn onaanvaardbaar. In september kwam er echter een nieuw datalek bij de techgigant aan het licht.

Een softwareprobleem gaf hackers toegang tot miljoenen gebruikersaccounts, waaronder ook vijf miljoen Europese accounts. Deze resolutie was een mooie kans om dit onrecht te veroordelen en op te roepen tot verdere actie.

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Helaas gaat de resolutie alle kanten uit. Zo roept zij op tot opschorting van het privacyschild tussen de EU en de VS zonder het bieden van een alternatief. Of men roept op tot aanpassing van de nationale kieswetten, wat duidelijk tot de bevoegdheden van de lidstaten behoort.